Panel 1:
Nighttime, the rose window and rook peak of a church in midtown.
Panel 2:
Mikey Hernandez spoons out soup to a little girl.
Girl: "Gracias, Senor Hernandez!"
Mikey, in Spanish: "Of course, sweetie. Take care."
Panel 3:
Mikey, his eyes closed with a smile.
Mikey, in Spanish: "Next!"
Panel 4:
Close up on Mikey's face. He's surprised, and not in a good way.
Panel 5:
A sheepish Emily, flanked by Henry and Maude, all with apologetic smiles.
Emily: "H-hello, Mr. Hernandez! Sorry to bother you on your night off."
Panel 6:
Mikey frowns as he grabs the large soup pot. Emily cowers in front of him.
Mikey: "Mios Dios, Senorita."
Emily: "I see you remember heh. You see, you may be the only one who can tell us what this is."
Panel 7:
Close up on Emily's hand pulling out a folded sheet of paper from her purse.