Page 77

 Oh dear, them Blue Fin Boys. You don’t want to be messing with them!

Black Ball will be off for Thanksgiving, but will return to regular Thursday updates from now till the end of the year!

Hey guys, I know I missed a couple weeks there, but there was…a lot going on. Some of you may know that I have a recurring chronic pain issue that comes around with the change in weather and affects my left arm and left hip. It can really wear me out, and makes it tough to open markers/ink pens, as stupid as that sounds. I finally have started seeking medical treatment for this issue and hope it will be resolved in the future.

There was also my buffer–I had run out of pages in the back log and was pretty much finishing pages week of, and I think it showed. I was not 100% happy with my pages and wasn’t able to really give the story and the art the attention that I’d like to, and wasn’t able to even really enjoy making the pages. And like…that’s not the point of making a comic. It’s because I love it. I really love it. But I wasn’t able to enjoy it. 

I’ve been questioning my art, my comics, and this whole career thing for a bit. So I took a week to step back, engage in some artistic study, and thinking about where I want to take things in the future. And the future is Black Ball, for sure! I am so in love with this story and I am so determined to get it to the end. My art is improving as I continue to study. I’m doing figure drawing practice and I’ve been working on pages which I know you’re really gonna love. One of the next few pages is my favorite that I’ve done so far, it’s really stunning. I can’t wait to show it to you.

I’ve also got something else up my sleeve for 2020…


In January of 2020, I will be hosting a Eurovision themed drawing challenge called DRAWVISION. Each day, we’ll be drawing a Eurovision-themed illustration of the countries from the prompt list. I’m really excited for this to be brought out into the world and to see what I’ll come up with.

Thanks for sticking with me, everyone!