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Hey, it’s your amigo Mikey, everyone’s favorite, totally legit business person who would never ever break your knuckles. Ever.


The Alchemist of Aurillia kickstarter ends on Saturday! Help us finish up strong right till the end! All backers will get a special thank you pack when the campaign finishes.

I start a new job on Monday! I will be working at a Marketing agency again as a UX Strategist. I’m pretty pumped to be back in the agency life and working on big brands again. The non-profit world was definitely not for me. Even though the day job is just supposed to keep the lights on, I have a hard time not throwing myself full on into everything. It’s important to me to have a day job I like and can feel good about. My work is my integrity, and without that, well…I have nothing!

That attitude carries over into comics, of course. It’s in everything I do.

Anywho, once The Alchemist of Aurillia wraps up, I’m going to be throwing myself back into Black Ball. There’s a lot of great stuff coming up and I’m excited to draw it!

To see behind the scenes, you can always subscribe to my newsletter. When you do, you get a free comic!