Panel 1:
The elegant Woman turns to Amelia, who's a little nervous.
Elegant woman:
"I have heard so much about you! Hattie says you don’t get out much."

"Well, I do get into the city every so often since my Uncle Charlie is there, but besides that..."

Panel 2:
Amelia, continuing:
"My parents are... particular about where we go."

Panel 3:
The elegant woman and Amelia continue their conversation.
Elegant Woman:
"Oh shoot, I’ve forgotten my manners! I haven’t even introduced myself!"

"Oh, that's not trouble!"

Panel 4:
The elegant woman introduces herself.
Elegant woman:
"My name is Millie. Millie DeBoer."

Panel 5:
Amelia, smiling:
"So pleased to meet you, Miss DeBoer! I’m Amelia Trent."

Page 3

Page 3 - Introductions in the 1920s sort of way