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Well so much for wrapping up the plot nice and easy. Hope you guys don’t mind sticking around for a bit more and continuing to read. 

If you’re new to my comic, you may not know that Black Ball is not my main source of income, and that I work a day job to make a living. But if you appreciate what I do, then you can let me know by supporting me through Ko-fi!


Ko-fi is great because they don’t take any cuts out of what you give. And it’s only a one time cost! Think of ko-fi like the tip jars of old. So if you’re looking for a way to show your support of my work, please consider hopping on over and throwing a few bucks my way! There’s also the Ko-fi button down below that will take you there anytime.

Thanks for sticking with me and reading Black Ball! I promise only more great things to come.