Why Faith – Neighbors

Hello everyone! 

While you wait for the new page on Thursday, I wanted to take the time to share with you a preview of the next anthology I’m going to be in: WHY FAITH, edited by Jack Holder. This collection of stories from across multiple cultures and beliefs seeks to answer the age old question: what is faith, what does it mean to people, and how do we each choose (or not choose) to experience it? No judging, no preaching, just good, introspective, and respectful comics. 

My story in the anthology is called “Neighbors”, one of the pages which you can see above. This wordless tale was based on my own experiences of meeting people of other faiths and how learning and discussing with them made my own world view more full and beautiful. 

It’s also great timing that my story is featured this week because Tuesday 5 February is my birthday! Woot!

Here are some other amazing comics from Why Faith, launching on Indiegogo on April 16


Travis Gibb and Michael Hall’s “Barter,” takes the never ending battle of Good and Evil to task. Travis dares to ask why one should have faith in such a system, and Michael’s illustrations help bring it all to life. 


“The Time Between,” by Eddy Hedington illustrated by Evaristus Anarado,  looks at the faith in family. Holding on to the idea that one might become a good parent, have a good child, that everything will be all right. Eddy’s faith is something so ubiquitous, so seemingly small, and yet the everyday miracle is no less miraculous because of it.


“Meeting Joan,” by Grace Desmarais is right up my alley as an art history nerd. Grace’s piece exemplifies many of the sentiments and emotions experienced by us in the artist community: a constant striving to understand, to catch a glimpse of the divine, wherever that may be. To find it in an art museum, looking at some of the greatest people the world has ever known, that is a part of faith.

I’ll be sharing more stories from the anthology over the coming weeks. You can also see more of them on our Indiegogo Pre-launch page.


See you on Thursday with more magical hellzaboppin!