Panel 1:
A close up on the book SIR HIGGENS BOOK OF MANNERS in Amelia's lap.

Panel 2:
Amelia with a skeptical look on her face. She has no idea why Millie has handed her this.

Panel 3:
Amelia looks up.
Mille (off panel): "Ha ha!"

Panel 4:
Millie has gotten up and is walking away. She turns back and waves farewell with a smile.
Millie: "Just give it a read, but it might be best to wait till you're in private."

Panel 5:
Millie joins Hattie in the crowd.

Panel 6:
A closeup on Amelia holding the book to her chest.

Page 6

Page 6 - The Sir Higgens Book of Manners. It was a total flop when first published in 1873. 

Hey guess who got sick! It’s me! *lays on buffer and dies*