Panel 1:
Hattie and Amelia in the house's dining room.
"Of course it’s not your fault, Amelia! One can’t help how their parents behave!"

"Much appreciated, Hattie."

Panel 2:
Hattie, brightening:
"Oh! Now that you’re here! There’s someone I’ve been wanting to introduce you to!"

Panel 3:
Hattie pulls Amelia through the crowd.

Panel 4:
On the other side of the room, an elegant woman with dark skin and an extravagant purple gowns waves to Hattie as they approach. She has a sophisticated air about her.

Panel 5:
Hattie and Amelia join the woman. She greets Hattie.
Elegant Woman:
"There you went!"

Amelia gawks at the woman while she and Hattie chat easily. They seem quite familiar with each other.
Amelia, thinking:
"Oh wow! She’s super elegant!"

Panel 6:
Hattie brings Amelia into the conversation, beaming.
"Remember how I told you about Amelia? She’s one of my dearest friends. We grew up together."

Page 2

Page 2 – Hattie telling it like it is, and a new friend?

I wanted to thank you all for making Black Ball’s launch day such a success! Seeing all the support coming in through retweets, shares, and your comments really made my day and filled me with happiness. I’ll be honest, I was pretty nervous getting back into the webcomic game after such a long time away, and I wasn’t sure how people would like the new story. But hearing you all be excited about it, it’s given me such a great confidence boost! I feel real great and excited to keep sharing this story!