1st Anniversary

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY It’s the first Anniversary of Black Ball this week! I draw a lot of pictures of Chester and Emily, so this time around I wanted to do the other stars from the cast, the elusive Hattie Ledford-Weinstien and Millie DeBoer. They’re New York’s hottest power couple and the key to solving this mystery. I wonder if Emily will ever find them…. 

I’m pretty stoked to hit the 1 year mark with Black Ball, and can’t wait to show you where we’re heading in year 2. I really appreciate all of you who come read the comic and those who leave comments. It means so much to me that people are loving this story and are really excited about it. I promise you, there’s a lot of great stuff still to come.

Get your books!

You can now get Black Ball in print! I have a couple copies left of Issue 1 and 2 that you can get your hands on at the store for $5 each.

Support Black Ball!

Or if you just want to show appreciation for the comic and help me towards saving up for some new comic making equipment, then consider tossing me $3 at my ko-fi page. It’s easier than Patreon and perfect for people who hate commitment! 

Check back on Thursday for a new page and the official end of the hiatus! Thanks for hanging in there with me as I traveled, I’m glad to be home and to be able to focus on the comic again.