Panel 1:
"So was there a name on that file?"

Panel 2:
"I didn't see one, just charts."

Panel 3:
"It's likely that the author of that file is the owner of the case... and they were trying to hide it."

Panel 4:
Amelia, turned away in a flashback.
Emily, off panel: "And how did Amelia get it?"

Panel 5:
Maude, Henry, and Emily walk up the front steps of the Trent house.
"Thinking back to your chart...were you able to make any other connections?"

Panel 6:
"Ummm, like a timeline maybe?"

Panel 7:
They all enter the house, Emily opening the front door for them.
"A timeline could be helpful. We might even find more clues!"

Page 136

Now THAT'S using your noggin! Now we're getting this case moving.

This is one of those pages where I have a lot of fun playing with the color palettes. Outside, the colors are still dull but are natural and lighter. But inside the house is still oppressive and drab. 

Don't forget! You can read the next 5 pages ahead on my Patreon! Not to mention weekly sketchbook art, bonus comics, access to The Alchemist of Aurillia, and more! Join me over there today!