Panel 1:
Mr. Trent points at Emily (off panel), sternly.
Mr. Trent: "Your sister Amelia is doing her part for this family."
Panel 2:
Emily cowers in the passenger seat of the car as her father continues.
Mr. Trent (off panel): "Now, it is time for you to do yours."
Panel 3:
Emily gets out of the car onto the New York City street. Elegant row houses line the background.
Mr. Trent (from in the car): "Please go get your sister. I'd rather not see your uncle."
Panel 4:
Emily walks up the steps to Uncle Charlie's townhouse. She glares back at the car.
Panel 5:
Uncle Charlie's housekeeper, Mrs. Nancy, greets Emily at the door.
Mrs. Nancy: "Oh, Miss Emily! Mr. Trent is out, but your sister was just packing."
Panel 6:
Emily and Mrs. Nancy chat.
Emily, taking off her hat: "Hell, Mrs. Nancy! How have you been?"
Mrs. Nancy: "Much the same. Your uncle doesn't keep me too busy."
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