Panel 1:
Later that evening. Amelia sits in her bedroom with a small light on as she gets ready for bed.
Amelia, thinking: "I wonder why Miss DeBoer wanted me to read this alone?

Panel 2:
Close up at Amelia's face looking down at the book, illuminated in the faint light.
Amelia, thinking: "It's just a manners book."

Panel 3:
Amelia picks up the book and starts to page through it.
Amelia, thinking: "I'll just skim it to be polite."

Panel 4:
A spread in the book. The pages are filled with spell circle diagrams. This is not what Amelia expected.
Amelia, thinking: "What?!"

Panel 5:
A close up on Amelia's blue eye. It widens as she realizes what she's looking at.
Amelia, thinking: "This is--"

Panel 6:
She throws the book down.

Panel 7:
Amelia, in her vanity mirror, backing away from the book, shocked. The book lays open on her dressing table.
Amelia, thinking: "--an illegal spellcrafting book!"

Page 7

Page 7 - In which manners suspiciously look like an outlawed practice.