Panel 1:
A close up on a radio in the Trent's living room. The scene transitions from the flashback to the present day.
Radio: Led by Robert Kaplan, they continue to bring us new technology...

Panel 2:
A view of the Trent's living room. Mrs. Ethel Trent, Amelia and Emily's mom, stands in the wide doorway, yelling for Mr. Bertrand Trent, their father. Emily sits on the floor, dully listening to the radio show and trying to ignore her parents.
Ethel: Bertrand! You need to pick up Amelia at Charlie's!

Bertrand: But, Ethel! The news hour!

Panel 3:
A close up on Mrs. Trent.
Mrs. Trent: Mr. Glover is coming for dinner tonight! I'm sure he wants to see his bride!

Panel 4:
Back on Mr. Trent, with Emily watching from the background.
Mr. Trent: Well, then why did she need to be in Manhattan this week?

Panel 5:
Close up on Emily, frowning. She's uninterested in the whole thing.
Mrs. Trent, off panel: To prepare for the wedding! It's easier!

Panel 6:
Mrs. Trent is turning to leave but remembers something.
Mrs. Trent: Oh, and while I'm thinking about it...

Panel 7:
A big shot on Emily, looking on with dread and shock.
Mrs. Trent: ...and why not take Emily with you?

Page 10

Page 10

Welcome to the present. Looks like we’ve got a main character sighting


Do you like Lovecraft stories? Do you like comics? Did you know that I drew a Lovecraft short comic with Madeleine Holly-Rosing of Boston Metaphysical Society? Then you’re gonna want to check out the Kickstarter for CTHULHU IS HARD TO SPELL, a comics anthology featuring stories all about the monsters of the Lovecraft mythos! 

The Kickstarter starts SEPTEMBER 4rd! And it’s running for about a month. Plus, if you pledge early, you’ll get some early bird goodies like prints and extra comics. 

If you want to see what the deal is, then check out this free preview of some of comics. I can assure you that they are all great!