Panel 1:

Mrs. Nancy and Emily enter the stairwell foyer and continue speaking.

Mrs. Nancy: “Amelia seems excited for the wedding! It will be so beautiful! And the groom-!

Emily: “Yeah, Mr. Glover seems nice—”


Panel 2:

Emily looks up the stairs.

Emily: “What was that noise?”


Panel 3:

Emily begins to climb the stairs and Mrs. Nancy look worried.

Emily: “I’ll go check it out.”

Mrs. Nancy: “Thank you, Miss Emily. How strange.”

Panel 4:

A closeup on Emily’s shoe as she climbs the stairs.

Panel 5:

The upstairs hallway at the top of the stairs. One lone door is ajar at the end of the hall.

Panel 6:

Emily fully opens the door, revealing a bedroom. We see the back of Amelia’s head bowed down.

Page 14

Page 14

One thing you are going to learn in this comic: red is…probably not good.

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